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Saturday 26 December 2015

Fighting over Steering Wheel...

Self driving cars, once the exclusive domain of science fiction, are now reality. Google has been working on Self Driving Car Project and tested many prototypes with modified Lexus SUVs and prototype vehicles that are designed from the ground up to be fully self driving.
Google's Self Driving Car Prototype

While Google is all set-up for launching its driverless car technology in market, California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) proposed draft of new rules for autonomous vehicle, which left Google and other staunch supporters of this technology "perplexed". Along with regulation call for safety and performance standards, the rules also call for a licensed human driver, capable of taking over the wheel and pedals in the event of an emergency. That could be problem for Google, whose driverless cars don't use pedals or steering wheels.

Company said, Google wants to transform transportation through its work to develop vehicles that can shuttle people from place to place with the push of button and reduce accidents caused by human errors; Safety is top priority and motivator in Google's driverless cars. In direct response to DMV's proposed regulation, Google executive and robotic-car expert Chris Urmson wrote a blog post Thursday on Medium.com blasting the rules as a step back from progressive 2012 state regulation that allowed for the development of occupant as passenger vehicles without a steering wheel or pedals.

According to some of the Technical Analytics, the rules shouldn't be problem. There are not millions of them on road. And as technology is in prototype stage, additional changes can be made to have steering wheel and pedals again. Also, the other automotive companies like Ford are showing interest in Google's Self Driving Cars, technology will have huge development and popularity in future.

California might be looking at the broader aspect of autonomous cars, beyond just Google and has gone more conservative with requiring an operator. But it is disappointing for technical society that, legislators are limiting the potential of fully Autonomous System. Removing "Driverless" from Driverless cars and doubting the capability to achieve its goal can be slight hold-up for development of Autonomous Technology.

Saturday 19 December 2015


Have you ever wondered why few well established companies like Nokia, Kodak and other have failed to sustain in market in spite of having a well defined marketing strategy, technological upper hand and a well established reputation. Its not that they missed out something while figuring out their business plan or they missed a key input from the survey they do; it was actually inevitable. The answer to this unforeseen threat heading their way was given by Mr Clayton M Christensen from Harvard Business school in the year 1990. He termed it as "Disruptive Technological change" in one of his book "The Innovator's Dilemma". This book consists of his study of many multinational companies downfall; like IBM, Sears, Digital Equipment Corporation and many more. For example IBM, during its time was a leader in the market of mainframe computing, but some how missed the opportunity to understand the need to enter the minicomputer market, hence loosing a big chunk of  global market.

What is a Disruptive Technology?

As he mentions in his book, there are mainly two types of innovations; sustaining innovation and disruptive/radical innovation. The technology that enters the market with medium scope; i.e. meeting the needs of average range customers and gives a medium level margin initially, is worked upon and made more advanced with time, is called as sustaining innovation.A disruptive technology is introduced in the market with very few features in it, manufactured cheap and gives a low performance; mainly targeting low end customers, who don't need many features and are happy with the minimal performance of it.

The above graph shows the entry of disruptive technology in the low level market and with due course of time, developments are made in it technologically making it in demand in the upper most level market.

How does it affect the Companies in competition?

Initially, the companies's R&D comes with some out of the box idea/ technology/product plan, then the sales department asks their most closely related customer of the need of this product to them with the intention to see the future scope of the product. The customer due to some reason; either financial constraint or lack of foresight says NO. Hence the company decides to cancel this project.
Meanwhile, some one comes up with a very low standard product, consisting of very less features and at a very low cost manufactured parts. With continuous advancement, they finally end up with a product that mostly every one has and is at a low cost. And at this time, the customer asks what the hell they were doing till now and the company is in no shape to come up with something that can help them to sustain this phase.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Modern Medical Science and Ayurveda

Diagnostic, Prognostic fields have enriched with the modern medical science. Varieties of new technology are being developed for betterment of human being. The electronic Aspirin, Needle free diabetes care, Robotics check ups, a valve job with heart, Modern Biopsies and further diagnostics are few examples that shows the strength of human brain. The technologies such as Telemedicine, Webinars are well followed in medical science.

The glory of medical science is increasing day by day but it seems Ayurveda is being practised very little in it. Ayurveda Principle are immortal but the question arises about the nurturing Ayurveda in modern science. Lot of therapies are being followed using Ayurveda, still the potential of Ayurveda is not used up to the excellence. Although researchers suggest at it is possible that some substances in Ayurveda might be developed into effective treatments but the modern Ayurveda is still termed as "Pseudo-scientific". The inspiration of modern medical science is remained only about modern views but there is a need of amplifying  Ayurveda principles justifying the modern research.

The Ayurveda treatment is the holistic approach acting at various levels- physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual levels of the individual following alternative natural therapies using natural items such as water, green diet, fruit diet, herbal medicines. Avoidance of stress and recovery from stress by  techniques such as yoga, meditation, relaxation accepted as essential requirement to healthy life.

We cannot supplement Ayurveda with modern medical science impressively but Ayurveda has to be studied and integrated into modern medical practice in both preventive and therapeutic levels for the better treatment quality.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Maglev Suspension Systems

Shanghai Transrapid

In previous article, we discussed the Maglev technology and principle on which it is working. Here, we will discuss about the different technologies or suspension system used to levitate the train, although the basic concept remains same. Even though Maglev looks like new, futuristic mode of transportation, concept was first proposed about a century ago by Hermann Kemper. First commercial Maglev developed by German company Transrapid International was tested in Shanghai, China, in 2002. Shanghai Transrapid is functional since December 2003, with average speed of 430 Km/h.

Several other countries have started working on Maglev projects. Enough research is going on to improve the technology to levitate the train. Engineers are testing there prototypes of train for commercial use.

Electromagnetic Suspension System (EMS):

Electromagnetic Suspension  (EMS) System
In Germany, the company named, Transrapid International had developed Electromagnetic suspension (EMS) System. In this system, the bottom of the train wraps around a steel guideway. Electromagnets attached to train's undercarriage are directed up towards the guideway, which levitates the train about 1 centimetre above the guideway. The system keeps the train levitated even when it is not moving. The system is provided with emergency battery backup in case of power failure. Other guidance magnets embedded in the train's body keep it stable during the travel. The company also has train in commercial use implementing EMS, known as Transrapid and can reach the speed of 500 Km/h with people onboard.

Electrodynamic Suspension System (EDS):

Electrodynamic Suspension  (EDS) System
US & Japanese engineers are working on a competing version of Maglev trains SCMAGLEV, that uses Electrodynamic Suspension (EDS) System. The key difference is, Japanese trains uses supercooled, superconducting electromagnets, This kind of electromagnets can conduct electricity even after the power supply is shut off. The trains using this technology can levitate nearly 10 centimetres above the guideway. But, the train using EDS, must roll on the rubber tires until it reaches a lift off speed about 100 Km/h. Also, wheels have advantages during power failure of system to slow down the train.
EDS saves the energy by cooling coils, however, also the cryogenic system use to cool the coils can be expensive. Also, passengers with pacemakers would have to be shielded from magnetic fields generated by the superconducting electromagnets.


Inductrack is a newer type of EDS that used permanent room temperature magnets to produce the magnetic field instead of super-cooled superconducting electromagnets. Inductrack also uses auxiliary wheels to accelerate until it begins to levitate. The permanent magnets made from neodymium- iron boron, which generates intense magnetic field are used. Magnets are arranged in a Halbach array so that, the intensity of magnetic field concentrates above the array to create enough levitating force.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Introduction to MagLev - Magnetic Levitation for Transportation

Maglev Train
In last discussion, we discussed about the electromagnetic induction and application of induced eddy current in induction cooktop. Here, we will discuss about Electromagnets application in transportation field. Electromagnets are temporary magnets produced due to flow of electric current through conductor coil. It also has poles which can attract or repel depending upon the polarity. Repulsion force of the electromagnet used for levitation of objects. This electromagnetic levitation is about to bring the revolution in the transportation.

Maglev train is new way of transportation which uses magnetic levitation to transport the vehicle without touching ground. Magnetic levitation is used to create both lift and propulsion. Maglev moves more smoothly and quietly. Due to absence of friction power consumption for propulsion is relatively less and thus it holds some of high speed records for rail transportation.

Maglev Propulsion:

Maglev Guideway
Maglev is short for Magnetic Levitation. Unlike conventional train maglev do not have engine to pull cart along the track. Maglev floats over guideway using basic principle of magnetic repulsion and same used to propell the train. The magnetised coil running along the track, called guideway, repels the large magnets on the train's undercarriage, allowing the train to levitate 1 to 10 centimeters above the guideway. Once the train is levitated, power is supplied to coils within guideway walls to create a unique pattern of magnetic field that pull and push the train along the guideway. The electric current supplied to the coils in the guideway walls is alternating to change polarity of magnetized coils. This change in polarity causes magnetic field in front of train to pull the vehicle forward, while the magnetic field behind the train push the train. The propulsion is same as linear motor.

Linear Motor Propulsion for Maglev

Lack of friction and trains aerodynamic design allows the train, to reach ground speed of more than 500 km/h. In comparison, Boeing 777 can reach top speed of 905 Km/h. Developers say that Maglev will eventually link cities that are up to 1000 miles apart.

Germany and Japan both are developing maglev train technology. Although, based on similar concept, both have distinct differences in technology used to create lift and thrust. We will discuss more about it in next section.
How The Maglev Works

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Eddy Current, One that blows Transformers, Cooks Food in Kitchen

Eddy currents or Foucault currents are circular currents induced within the solid block of conductor due to time-varying magnetic field around it. Eddy currents take time to build up and can persists for long time (Actually, it is analogous to turbulence in the water or swirls known as eddies). It is undesirable effect commonly observed in the electric transformer, causes heating of the core. Overheating of the transformer may lead to failure of the transformer.

Eddy Current in Unlaminated & Laminated Core
According to Faraday’s law of induction, the high frequency moving/ varying magnetic field possess the ability to induce current in the conductor in its field. The coil wound around the core of the transformer generates the electromagnetic field which passes through core. The electrons in the core experience the Lorentz force. Electrons start to move in direction such that the magnetic field produced due to their motion will oppose the magnetic field which cause them to move. According to Lenz’s law this induced current moves circular loop (swirls) within the solid core and keep generating heat in the core. Sometimes transformer fails due to excessive heat generated. That’s why the core of the transformer is made of laminated plates stacked together instead of a solid metal core or poorly conductive material (ferrite core). Core made of laminated plates stacked together minimises the eddy currents.

Eddy Currents Formation
Eddy currents are not always undesirable. Eddy current used for electromagnetic braking of locomotives. Since there is no contact with brake shoe and drums no mechanical wear. Eddy currents are used for non- destructive testing of materials. The phenomenon is fundamental of some of sensors (Proximity sensor).The heating effect is used for electric heating of ores or metals to melt them in foundry. Induction heating is innovative and clever way to cook the food.

Induction Cook-top Working Principle
The induction cooktop uses same phenomenon which causes transformer core to heat. Induction cooktop has electric coil placed below, which produces magnetic field. The cookware to be placed on top must be made up of conductive or ferromagnetic material and with flat bottom so as to make more contact with magnetic field. The current in the coil induces the small eddy currents of about one volt in the bottom of the cookware causes to heat the bottom of pot. These currents come equipped with their own magnetic fields result is a lot of swirling, churning, pushing and pulling of the molecules within the material in cookware.

Other than commercial and industrial use eddy currents has some attractive experiments to demonstrate like levitation and repulsion of metallic objects. When magnet is allowed to fall through copper tube, the speed of a magnet considerably reduces. This is because eddy currents are produced in the copper tube due to motion of magnetic field associated with magnet. The electromagnetic force produces by these eddy currents in the copper tube opposes the magnet field of magnet, hence the motion of magnet. Experiment explains the electromagnetic braking fundamentals.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Science behind Holi Festival

India is a colourful country and Holi is the festival if colours celebrated in India with pomp and gaiety on full day moon in month of Phalgun (March). Festival has symbolic legend of demon king Hiranyakashyap and his son Prahlad and sister Holika. The word ‘Holi’ actually derived from Holika. Have you ever thought that there could be scientific reason behind the Holi to celebrate?

Holi is celebrated in the spring, Between end of winter and advent of summer. This period induces the growth of bacteria in atmosphere as well as in the body When Holika (bonfire for holi) is burnt, temperature of nearby area raises by 50-60 degree Celsius. Following the tradition of parikrama (going around the bonfire), heat coming from bonfire kill the bacteria in body and cleanses it.

During this transition period of environment from winter to summer body experiences some tardiness and is quite natural. To counter this laziness on the next morning of burning Holika, people plays with colours (Dulivandan). Sings songs, dances with dhol and other traditional instruments. This helps in rejuvenating the human body.

Colours (made from natural sources) plays vital role in fitness of human body. Colours were made from natural sources in ancient times has healing effect on body skin. It has effect of strengthening the ions in body. Nowadays the market is flooded with synthetic colours cause health issues like asthma, skin and eye irritation also leads to water pollution.

Friday 27 February 2015

You might be Victim of “Browser Hijacking” and you may unaware of it…..

You might be came across different search providers, ad-wares, toolbar during web surfing. Sometime you might have found your home page had been replace by some other search provider unknown to you. (Actually home page is hijacked by new search provider). Generally, add-on get install during the installation of programs, ask your permission to change your search provider, homepage or add toolbar. But browser hijacker don’t ask any permissions. Most installers will give users the opportunity to accept or decline an offer to install a hijacker; however, the request to decline the offer is often ignored or presented in a very confusing manner. This is done for the sole reason of tricking users into installing excessive bloat-ware and malware.

Homepage of browser hacked by Omiga-plus.com

Yes, some of the search providers are categorised as malicious browser hijackers, viruses and potentially undesirable programs (PUP/LPI). Even though at first the search engine may seem completely reliable and even useful, soon enough you should be able to realize that it cannot be trusted, especially browser hijackers. Scammers use malicious software to take control of your computer's Internet browser and change how and what it displays when you're surfing the web. Browser hacker replaces your homepage; modifies browser shortcuts and web page links saved on desktop; alter the registry files makes it difficult to remove. These are generally used to force hits to a particular website, increasing its advertising revenue, Even your personal browsing data is never secure, tracked by spyware. Browser hijacking is a type of online fraud, which does all these and you remain unaware of it during browsing. You might be ignoring it as a simple adware or search tool.(Its a Trojan Horse for your system).

Some browser hijacking can be easily reversed, while other instances may be difficult to reverse. Various software packages exist to prevent such modification. If you keep your computer updated with the latest internet security updates and practice safe Internet browsing, you are already doing a lot to help keep hijackers away. Even though, if you found any suspicious changes in your web browser try to revert back them through browser setting if possible. Most of hijackers won't allow to revert changes through internet properties (It may have changed the registry). Use adware and hijacker removal tools like adwcleaner, hitmanpro, etc. to revert the changes. try to get information about your search provider and search engine if you are using search engine other than google.com. Simply google it with name of search provider appearing on your homepage and make sure that your browser is not being hacked.


Some of the Browser hijacker are listed below,

  • Omega-plus Search
  • Astromenda Search
  • Binkiland.com Search
  • Onewebsearch
  • TV Wizard
  • Conduit Search
  • CoolWebSearch
  • Coupon Server
  • Delta Search and Claro Search
  • Search-daily.com
  • MyStartSearch
  • MyStart.IncrediBar Search
  • Nation Zoom
  • Babylon Toolbar
  • Qone8.com
  • qvo6.com
  • Jamenize.com
  • Mixi.DJ
  • Searchult.com
  • Snap.do
  • RocketTab
  • Searchnu.com
  • Searchgol.com
  • Tuvaro
  • Trovi
  • Vosteran
  • Groovorio
  • GoSave
  • searchassist