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Thursday 21 January 2016

CGI Technology Transforming Film Making

     The technological development in the film making made the process much easier. Multiple cameras can run on the same shot, so that it is easy to get the desired angle. Film makers spend less time re-shooting the same scene due to technologically advanced systems. Motion capture and Computer generated imagery (CGI) captured the attraction of the film makers. CGI is traditionally done by placing reflective markers all over, an actors face and body, which are then interpreted by computer technology to create digitized expressions for the CG character. Now this technology is growing at faster rate.
     The best example for the technological integrated film-making could be a film "Avatar". A team of talented artist transferred basic renderings into photo real images, particularly using new breakthrough in lighting, shading and  rendering. In this movie 3D and CG technology were tied together for visualizing the film by virtue of which two new Cameron intermediary inventions made that are Virtual camera and Simulcam. The virtual camera used by the Cameron in the volume motion capture stage, wasn't actually a camera at all, it was like video game controller, it simulated on camera that was fed CG images by supercomputers surrounding the volume. This allowed amplification of each small adjustment on the virtual production stage, from camera movement to actor interaction, to gauge the overall effect on the final big-screen cut. The Simulcam is term associated with camera system by virtue of which integration of CG characters and environments into our live action are possible.
    Multiple cameras can run on the same shot, so that it is easy to get the desired angle. Technology greatly simplified and reduced the cost of making films, as expensive film has been replaced by the digital storage methods that last longer. Now new technologies are readily invented,tested, and perfected. Technology has opened up greater possibilities and opportunities for film-maker.

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