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Saturday 9 January 2016

Technology and Spirituality

      We live in the digital world today. The advances in technology can be observed in everything from electric current to global communications.The rapid growth in the technology boosting our demand considerably. Navigation system in cars, mobiles and lots of applications on a touch of button on the internet makes our life much easier. As I mentioned in my previous blog , in the modern medical science, use of prognostic and diagnostic systems have enriched the medical field.
     The technology is very much useful but it is like a double-edged sword. It changes the life of an individual but it may be better or worse. Using internet, mobiles we can now communicate very easily with faster rate. But there is always a feeling of "Somewhere something is missing". No doubt that we are developing by virtue of technological growth, it is much easier now  to learn about anything by connecting to the internet, but excitement, enthusiasm of having actual experience is missed out. It's sometimes gives the experience of pseudo world. We can see the pictures of nature on the internet but we cannot experience the breeze, real atmosphere.
    The downside of the technology is such as people are loosing patience, thinking more than their ability and tendency of having giant things in affordable cost is increasing day by day. The disturbance caused to the mindset due to lack of consistency, patience makes the life uncertain and unrealistic. Spirituality has the good solution to these issues.
   Spirituality separate a person from dependence on material things and establish a great purpose. Spirituality is the only thing as a way out to cope up with the change or uncertainty due to downsides of technology. Because spirituality is more an individual practice and has to do with having sense of peace and purpose. It can often be practiced alongside things like yoga, which ultimately focus on stress relief and release of emotion. Spirituality is the re-charger of a mind. Technology resolve the problem which more associated with materialistic thing but spirituality resolves the problem of mindset which plays a vital role to achieve peace, joy and wisdom; Hence technology makes the nation developed and spirituality makes the nation prosperous.

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